NCIAVHR Meets with Local, Judicial, and Security Authorities in Marib

NCIAVHR Meets with Local, Judicial, and Security Authorities in Marib

Marib | June 3, 2024

Today, members of the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights (NCIAVHR) met with local, judicial, and security authorities in Marib. The purpose of the meeting was to assess the human rights situation as part of the Commission’s field visit program to the governorate.

Commission members Judge Dr. Diaa Muhayriz, Judge Dr. Mohammed Talyan, Judge Hizam Al-Muraisi, and Judge Jihad Abdulrasool outlined the field visit program. This program includes evaluating the human rights conditions, inspecting prisons and various detention centers, and holding listening sessions for victims of human rights violations.

During the meeting, several human rights issues were discussed. The Commission emphasized the need for local authorities to activate monitoring and accountability tools and to refer those found guilty of violations to the judiciary. They also highlighted the complementary role of state agencies and the importance of the National Commission’s work in collaboration with local and security authorities to reach victims, improve the conditions of detainees, and ensure the enforcement of the law. The Commission members appreciated the responsiveness of the local, security, and judicial authorities in accommodating and implementing the Commission’s recommendations.

Deputy Governor of Marib, Abdulrabbo Miftah, welcomed the Commission team and noted the local authority’s efforts to maintain security and protect civilians. Mr. Miftah commended the Commission’s mandate and its role in monitoring and investigating human rights violations.

The meeting was attended by the Chief of the Marib Appeal Prosecution, the Chief of the Appeal Prosecution for the Third Military Region, the Marib Police Chief, the Commander of the Special Security Forces, the Head of the Political Security Organization, the Chief of Intelligence for the Third Military Region, and the Deputy Chief of the Military Police.

Following the meeting, the Commission team visited the new central prison and its facilities, inspecting various sections and listening to juvenile detainees about their legal and service conditions, ensuring they meet humanitarian standards and comply with national and international laws.

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