NCIAVHR Conducts Field Visits to Detainee Centers in Political Security and Military Intelligence in Marib

NCIAVHR Conducts Field Visits to Detainee Centers in Political Security and Military Intelligence in Marib

Marib | June 5, 2024

On Wednesday, members of the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights (NCIAVHR) conducted field visits to the offices of Military Intelligence, Political Security, and the detention center at the Military Police in Marib Governorate. The purpose was to examine the conditions of detainees, assess the level of the enjoyment of their rights, and ensure compliance with prevailing laws.

During the visit, the Commission team met with the head of Political Security in the governorate, Brigadier General Naji Hatroum, and his deputy, Brigadier General Ahmed Hanshal. They welcomed the Commission’s visit and expressed their interest in facilitating its fieldwork and responding to its inquiries. The Commission discussed with them the conditions of the detention center and several related issues, listened to some detainees in the facility, and reviewed their cases and the services provided to them.

As part of their field visit program, the Commission team also met at the headquarters of the Third Military Region with the Deputy Director of the Military Intelligence Division, Brigadier General Sadiq Ali Amin. They discussed with him the conditions of detainees awaiting trial.

Brigadier General Sadiq expressed his appreciation for the repeated field visits by the Commission to Marib Governorate to assess detention centers and review the legal status of detainees. He affirmed the division’s commitment to providing all necessary facilities to the Commission’s field teams to enable them to perform their duties and incorporate their recommendations.

The meeting was attended by the Director of the Military Intelligence Division in the Third Military Region, Brigadier General Abdulmalik Al-Mohammedi, a member of the Office of the Attorney General for Military Prosecutors, Judge Mohammed Al-Jaafari, the Chief Prosecutor of the Third Military Region’s Appeals Court, Judge Salah Al-Qumairi, and the Chief Prosecutor of the Sixth Military Region, Judge Faisal Al-Humaidi.

Following the meeting, the team visited the detention center affiliated with the Military Intelligence Division in the Third Military Region. They examined the conditions of detainees awaiting trial and those already sentenced, assessing their compliance with humanitarian standards and prevailing laws. The Commission also inspected the detention center of the Military Police in Marib Governorate, evaluated the health and nutritional status, and listened to several detainees concerning their cases.

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