NCIAVHR Announces The Launch Of Its Twelfth Periodic Report

NCIAVHR Announces The Launch Of Its Twelfth Periodic Report

Aden | Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights (NCIAVHR) has documented (3,055) allegations of violations across various Yemeni governorates, spanned over 36 different types of human rights infringements, resulted in (13,028) victims of both genders.

This came in the twelfth periodic report of the National Committee, which was issued today, Wednesday., covering its work on monitoring, documenting, and investigating violations from August 1, 2023, to July 31, 2024.

, the total number of violations it has documented since its inception in January 2016 up until the issuance of this twelfth report has reached (29,701) cases of violations, with a total of (63,772) victims.

Throughout the reporting period, the Commission interviewed over (8,398) witnesses, informants, and victims and reviewed approximately (7,886) documents. It also analyzed hundreds of photographs and videos related to the violations, which have been recorded and stored in the Commission’s database.

The report includes the findings of investigations conducted by the Commission during the same period, concerning international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

The report records a total of (694) incidents of civilian killings and injuries, resulting in (294) deaths, including (13) women and (52) children, and (593) injuries, including (118) children and (69) women.

The responsibility for these incidents is distributed among the parties to the conflict, as follows:
– Houthi Group: Responsible for 168 deaths and 473 injuries.
– Arab Coalition Airstrikes: Responsible for (52) deaths and (37) injuries.
– Government Forces: Responsible for (48) deaths and (25) injuries.
The Commission’s field teams also documented (126) incidents of child recruitment under the age of (18). The Houthi group was responsible for (122) of these incidents, while government forces were responsible for (1) incident, while three cases of child recruits killed in US air strikes on Hodeidah where the responsibility is shared between the Houthi group and the US forces.
The Commission also investigated (128) cases of anti-personnel landmine explosions, resulting in (52) deaths, including (2) women and (12) children, and (86) injuries, including (10) women and (10) children. All these incidents were attributed exclusively to the Houthi group.
The report highlights (17) incidents of alleged attacks and damage to cultural and historical properties, with (16) incidents attributed to the Houthi group ,and (1) incident attributed to the government forces and Arab Coalition airstrikes.
In terms of violations against medical facilities and staff, the Commission investigated (3) incidents, with (2) incidents attributed to the Houthi group and (1) was attributed to government forces.

The Commission also completed investigations into (165) incidents of forced displacement, with (153) were attributed to the Houthi group, (6) to government forces, and the remaining (6) shared between the conflicting parties.

Regarding violations of international human rights law, the Commission concluded its investigation into (74) incidents of extrajudicial killings. The Houthi group were found responsible for (42) incidents, while government forces and security agencies were responsible for (12) incidents.

The Commission also investigated (655) incidents of arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance across Yemen, The Houthi group was found responsible for (495) cases of arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance, while government forces and security agencies affiliated with the government were responsible for (159) cases.

Additionally, the Commission documented (28) incidents of alleged torture and inhumane treatment, the Houthi group was found responsible for 22 cases of torture, while the Yemeni government’s military and security forces were found responsible for 4 cases, while other parties were responsible for two cases.

The Commission also monitored and investigated 22 cases of house bombing. It is noteworthy that this type of violation is exclusively perpetrated by the Houthi group.
The National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights (NCIAVHR) completed investigations into 7 cases of assaults on freedom of opinion and expression, journalists and media outlets committed by various parties in different regions of the Republic of Yemen. The Houthi group was found responsible for 4 cases, while the army forces and security agencies affiliated with the government were found responsible for 2 alleged cases.

Lastly, the report addresses (4) incidents of U.S. drone strikes targeting civilians, which resulted in the deaths of (7) civilians. All incidents were documented, and relevant information was gathered and investigated.


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